Grants. Our Current and Past Grant Projects
In 2023-24, The Friends supported eleven initiatives across the Hanover-Norwich Schools. Click into the years below to see more details!
- Observation Beehive -the installation of a six frame observation beehive in the Science Resource Center at the Hanover High School
- Support for a Social Emotional Learning curriculum to enhance the guidance program at the Marion Cross School
- 7th Grade Authentic Civil War Surgical Tool Kit which is used as part of a hands on learning amputation activity at Richmond Middle School
- Purchased 12 Ukuleles and 6 tuners for Marion Cross electives program
- Purchased 7 Educational Microscopes for scientific explorations in all grades at Marion Cross School
- Creation of a Japanese Garden at the Ray School
- 5th Grade Tinker Table consisting of Lego Mindstorms EV3 kits for STEM learning at the Ray School
- Library Maker Space tools and equipment for students to tinker, build, create, experiment and invent at Richmond Middle School
- Music Studio Lab which is an elective course in music technology including electronic music and audio engineering at Richmond Middle School
- Literary Arts Magazine which showcases best writing and art produced by Richmond Middle School students and staff
- Two Tympani Drums for the Ray School Band
- Dash and Dot Robot kits to enhance the Tinker Table at the Ray School 5th grade STEM class
- Wireless Buzzer System for Battle of the Books program at Marion Cross Library
- Materials and tools to offer a new small metal sculpture and jewelry class for RMS Middle School students
- Groundwater Flow Model kit to be used in 7th grade science at RMS to help students visualize what happens beneath the surface with water contamination
- Funded "Taking a Stand" - RMS 7th grade history inquiry project looking at primary sources of Norwich women who worked on antislavery issues
- Purchased a set of 7 Primate Skulls to be used in 10th grade Biology class at Hanover High School
- Development of the Design Lab space course at HHS- purchased reusable robotic prototyping equipment
- Partial funding towards a replacement Piano for HHS chorus/orchestra room
- A Gaga pit for the Ray School playground
- Flexible seating/furniture for a Richmond Middle School English Class
- A universal recycling system for Richmond Middle School
- A collection of children's book for students who are studying French at Hanover High School
- A Gaga pit for the Richmond Middle School
- Art installation materials for a culminating exhibition of a Richmond Middle School 8th grade English Language Arts course
- A library mural of different habitats that are studied at the Marion Cross School
- Online subscription to the Muzzy Language Program for the French program at Marion Cross School
- New code kits by Little bits for Ray School 5th grade tinker tables that can be used to practice computer coding skills and electric circuits projects
Fall 2019 Initiatives (Presented by Superintendent, Teachers, Principals and Staff):
- 10 Guitars and lesson books for Hanover High School's "Beginning Guitar" elective
- Leveled Reading Books for 1st & 2nd Grade, Marion Cross School
- Dartmouth College conductor to direct strings students and introduce Dartmouth Youth Wind Ensemble
- Visiting Lecturer to encourage students and staff through the S.A.G.E. group at Richmond Middle School
- 4-Day Responsive Classroom Training for Ray School Elementary Teachers
- External curriculum assessment for Hanover-Norwich School District (SAU 70)
Fall 2020 Initiatives
Spring 2021 Initiatives
- SAU 70 District Response to COVID needs - Jay Badams, SAU 70
- Leveled Literacy Intervention - Patrick Gordon, Marion Cross School
- Technology (IT) Augmentation, School-Wide - Yannick Oney, Marion Cross School
- K-1 Primary Phonics Resources - Leslie Dustin, Marion Cross School
- COVID PE Supplies - Tim Boyle & PE Dept, Richmond Middle School
- Painting on Canvas Resources and Materials - Tim Boyle & Art Dept, Richmond Middle School
- Additional Science Equipment for COVID education - Tim Boyle & Science Dept, Richmond Middle School
- Lexia Core 5 Curriculum - Karen DuBois, Ray School
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Initiative - Jay Badams, SAU 70
Spring 2021 Initiatives
- Alternative Seating for Self-Regulation - Nate Shelness, Richmond Middle School
- One-to-One Chromebook Initiative - Niki Oney, Marion Cross School
- Opera Lab Series - Jennifer Chambers, Hanover High School
- Math Hallway Art - Bill Hammond, Hanover High School
- Inclusive Native American Festival - Susan Hendrickson and Caroline Loescher, Ray School
- RMS Woodshop Re-Tooling Initiative - Cliff Harriman, Richmond Middle School
Fall 2021 Initiatives
Spring 2022 Initiatives
- Classroom Literacy Resources, K-3 - Karen Woodward, Marion Cross Elementary
- Strengthening Phonemic Awareness - Lucy Hampton, Marion Cross Elementary
- Visiting Artist Motoko Dworkin - Becky French, Marion Cross Elementary
- Decodable Readers - Patrick Gordon, Marion Cross Elementary
- Sound System Upgrade - Travis Ramsey, Marion Cross Elementary
- Band Instruments to Lend - Travis Ramsey, Marion Cross Elementary
- Everybody's Included Playground - Nan Parsons, Ray School
- Specdrums - Becky Luce, Ray School
- Literature on the Move - Jennifer Haines, Richmond MS
- Digital Photography - Sara Ellis, Richmond MS
- Astronomy Solar Observation - Greg Stott, Richmond MS
- Ethics, Science, and Coding - Pam Custer, Hanover HS
Spring 2022 Initiatives
- Design Engineering And The Physics Of Flight - Jeff Decker, Richmond MS
- Integrative Technology to Enhance Delivery of Speech and Language Services - Hilary Hamilton, Richmond MS
- Community Read - Jillian Van Ellis, Marion Cross
- Hanover High School Electronic Music Lab - Ian Gollub, Hanover HS
- Team Building Kits that Support Social-Emotional Learning - Jess Warkentien, Richmond MS
Under construction: To be updated soon
Fall 2023 Initiatives
- Epic for All, Marion Cross Elementary
- K-6 Science Lab Accessibility, Marion Cross Elementary
- Peer Leader Training, Hanover High School
- Reading Art: A History 10-1,2, Hanover High School
- Poetry Out Loud, Hanover High School
- Creating Non Traditional Workspace in the RMS World Language Wing, Richmond Middle School
- Photography Elective Project, Richmond Middle School
- Elemental Metals on the Periodic Table, Richmond Middle School
- RMS Physical Education, Richmond Middle School
- Audio Enrichment for Struggling Students, Richmond Middle School
- Julius Caesar, Richmond Middle School
Fall 2024 Initiatives
- Diversifying Instruments, Ray School
- Invasive Species Removal, Ray School
- Playground Equipment, Ray School
- Theater Program, Marion Cross School
- Student Soup and Sandwich Initiative, Marion Cross School
- Prepared Classroom, Richmond Middle School
- Podcaster Studio, Richmond Middle School